





  • 2009-03-31 19:15:30 補充



    因為網站若是英文會看不懂= =

  • 2009-03-31 21:38:42 補充

    Lauren 你好

    請問對白中 ****是什麼意思??

  • 2009-04-01 20:32:57 補充

    請問可以給我 兩位的姓名 (英文的)


  • 發問者自選


底下整理一部前兩天重播的1995年電影 "烈火悍將" 的經典對白給您參考,兩位天王巨星-警匪面對面坐在餐廳裡,時間約6分鐘~

˙請copy以下關鍵字上 YouTube 搜尋影音確認:
 Heat: restaurant scene
heat.jpg image by sksloanski檢視圖片
警探韓文生(愛爾帕西諾)vs. 搶匪尼爾(勞勃狄尼洛)
「引號」代表 韓文生 說的『雙引號』代表 尼爾 的台詞

Seven years in Folsom. In the hole for three. McNeil before that. McNeil as tough as they say?
You looking to become a penologist?
You looking to go back?
You know I chased down some crews. Guys just looking to ***** up, get busted back. That you?
You must've worked some dip***** crews.
I worked all kinds.
You see me doing liquor store holdups with a "Born to Lose" tattoo on my chest?
No I do not.
Right. I am never going back.
Then don't take down scores.
I do what I do best. I take scores. You do what you do best. Try to stop guys like me.
So you never wanted a regular-type life?
What is that? Barbecues and ball games?
This regular-type life like your life?
My life? No, my life... My life's a disaster zone.
 I got a stepdaughter so *****ed up...because her real father is this large-type asshole.
I got a wife. We're passing each other on the down slope of a marriage. My third.
That's my life.

A guy told me one time "Don't get attached to anything you can't walk out on in 30 seconds if you feel the heat around the corner."
If you're on me and you got to move
when I move how do you expect to keep a marriage?
That's an interesting point. What do you a monk?
I have a woman.
What do you tell her?
I tell her I'm a salesman.

IMDB, YouTube,

  • 2009-03-31 21:09:00 補充

    So, if you spot me coming around that corner you'll just walk out on her?Not say good-bye?
    That's the discipline.
    That's pretty vacant.
    It is what it is.It's that, or we both better go do something else.

  • 2009-03-31 21:09:11 補充

    I don't know how to do anything else.
    Neither do l.
    I don't want much to either.
    Neither do l.

  • 2009-03-31 21:09:52 補充

    You know, I have this recurring dream. I'm sitting at this big banquet table and all the victims of all the murders I ever worked are there and they're staring at me with these black eyeballs because they got eight-ball hemorrhages from the head wounds.

  • 2009-03-31 21:10:20 補充

    And there they are, these big balloon people because I found them two weeks after they'd been under the bed.
    The neighbors reported the smell and there they are all just sitting there.
    What do they say?

  • 2009-03-31 21:10:51 補充

    No talk?
    Just ...They have nothing to say.
    We just look at each other.They look at me nd that's it. That's the dream.
    I have one where I'm drowning.I gotta wake myself up and start breathing or I'll die in my sleep.

  • 2009-03-31 21:11:04 補充

    You know what thats about?
    Yeah. Having enough time.
    Enough time to do what you want to do?
    That's right.
    You doing it now?
    No, not yet.

  • 2009-03-31 21:11:39 補充

    You know, we're sitting here like a couple of regular fellas.
    You do what you do, and I do what I gotta do. Now that we've been face to face if I'm there and I gotta put you away l won't like it.

  • 2009-03-31 21:11:55 補充

    But, I tell you if it's between you and some poor bastard whose wife you're gonna turn into a widow,
    brother, you are going down.
    There's a flip side to that coin. What if you do got me boxed in and I gotta put you down?

  • 2009-03-31 21:12:12 補充

    Because no matter what you won't get in my way.
    We've been face to face, yeah. But I will not hesitate. Not for a second.
    Maybe that's will be. Or... who knows?
    Maybe we'll never see each other again.


  • 2009-03-31 21:19:17 補充


     1. 「歹過幾個搞砸立刻又被抓回的傢伙,你也是?」那一行上面的單字是:F U C K
     2. 『想必是一群笨蛋』那一行上面的單字是: dip s h i t
     3. 「我有個繼女心理有病,.....那一行上面的單字是: f u c k e d

  • 2009-04-01 08:51:11 補充

     歹過>>「逮」過 ^^a

  • 2009-04-01 21:06:29 補充

    ˙艾爾帕西諾(Al Pacino)飾演警探 韓文生(Lt. Vincent Hanna )
    ˙勞勃狄尼洛(Robert De Niro)飾演搶匪 尼爾(Neil McCauley)


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